Master of Science in School Psychology (MSSP)

Available at Ponce & San Juan

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Program Description

The Master of Science in School Psychology (MSSP) program at Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU) is a terminal master’s degree program that provides students with the foundations of school psychology, based on the Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychology Services from the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Also, the students develop an additional subspecialty in neuropsychology.

As part of the program, students will complete a concentration in Neuropsychology (NP). With this MSSP, students will be able to seek licensing in PR and in most U.S. states. They may also pursue doctoral studies in School Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology or in Clinical Neuropsychology. By acquiring the foundational competencies of School Psychology, students will master the knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with the main competencies of Professional Psychology. These are: Biological Bases of Behavior, Social Bases of Behavior, Cognitive and Emotional Bases of Behavior, Human Growth and Development, Research and Statistics, Test Construction, Ethics and History of Psychology and Psychology of Personality.

Close-up of hands of people sitting in a circle during a therapy group meeting


The Master of Science in School Psychology Program at Ponce Health Sciences University (Ponce and San Juan University Center) prepares a new generation of School Psychologists to competently address the needs of children, adolescents, family, and school community, to engaged in learning activities and their social-emotional development. The student is prepared to develop knowledge and skills based on the Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychology Services from the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Also, the students develop an additional subspecialty in neuropsychology.

Program Goals

The goal of MSSP is to develop in student’s acquire knowledge and skills of psychology applied to the school setting based on evaluation, intervention, consulting and collaboration from ethics and cultural representation. 

The goal and objective of Neuropsychology are to develop in student’s foundational competencies in the field of Neuropsychology allowing them to develop a broad understanding of brain-behavior relationships. Students will gain knowledge about the neurophysiology of learning and the application of brain-based learning strategies.

  • A bachelor’s degree from a college or university approved by the Council on Higher Education and/or by the corresponding regional accrediting agencies.

    At least 15 credits in Psychology at the bachelor’s level including de following courses:

    Course TitleCredits
    General Psychology3
    Developmental Psychology3
    Abnormal Psychology3
    Experimental Psychology or 
    Research Methods3
    1. Submit an official transcript of all college level work completed and of all graduate courses taken. Failure to submit transcripts of any graduate or undergraduate work is considered a serious offense.
    2. A minimal GPA of 3.00
    3. Two letters of recommendation from professors or professionals familiar with the candidate’s performance in academic and work settings.
    4. Certificate of good conduct from the Police Department.
    5. A personal interview and written essays.
    6. US $90.00 application processing fee (non-refundable).

    Upon acceptance, all students are required to submit

    1. Written confirmation of acceptance and a non-refundable deposit of $100.00 to secure the seat in the entering class.
    2. Physical Exam (using a form provided by Admissions Office)
    3. Evidence of up to date immunization record (must include Varicella, Td Adult, MMR and three doses of Hepatitis B).
    4. Other pertinent documents as necessary

Grade Requirement 

In order to graduate, the student should complete all requirements and maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.00. Satisfactory Academic Progress is required for financial aid eligibility and will be reviewed on a yearly basis.

  • Students should perform at a minimum level of achievement of 80% (B) in all courses.
  • Students who obtain a grade of C must repeat the course and pass it. Up to two courses may be repeated. If the student obtains a grade of C in three courses, he/she will be referred to the Students Promotion Committee. 
  • Students with a GPA below 3.00 will be referred to the Students Promotions Committee. 
  • A grade of “F” in any course will result in referral to the Students Promotion Committee and considered for dismissal based on overall academic performance.
  • Grades of “P” (Pass) or “NP” (No Pass) are applicable to practice and internship. A grade of “NP” requires repetition. In case of a second “NP” grade in practicum and internship, the student will be referred to the Students Promotion Committee with a recommendation for dismissal.  
  • An “I” (Incomplete) grade will only be allowed under very special circumstances as determined by the professor. The student must remove the “I” (Incomplete) in agreement with the professor and must be removed by the following semester. For detail information about the institutional policy, refer to the Institutional Catalogue.
  • The No Grade (NG) will only be used under specific circumstances preventing a faculty member from submitting the corresponding grade for that course. For example, external practicum/internship sites are delayed in the submission of students’ feedback or evaluation reports to the schools or programs. For detail information about the institutional policy, refer to the Institutional Catalogue.

Grading System

All courses and grades obtained will appear on the student’s academic record, including transferred courses from other institutions.

The Program has established evaluation criteria for the successful completion of courses.  These criteria are made available to the students at the beginning of the course.  The grading system for graduate students is as follows:

A100% – 90%
B89% – 80%
C79% – 70%
FFailed (below 70%)
IPIn Progress
NPNot Pass
AWAdministrative Withdrawal

This policy has been established to ensure an acceptable time frame for completion of the academic program and the minimally accepted quality of performance. This policy also ensures that the Student Financial Aid requirements, set forth by federal regulations, are met. This policy applies to students enrolled in the Masters in Science in School Psychology at Ponce Health Sciences University.

Time Frame for completion of the Academic Program

A Master of Science in School Psychology Student will be allowed a maximum time frame of two years of enrollment beyond the standard required for the completion of the program (three years).

The total amount of years for completion of the degree includes those graduate courses accredited on admission to the School Psychology Program.

Master of Science in School Psychology3 years5 years
    1. Definition of a full time: Students with an academic load of 6 credits or more per semester will be considered full time graduate students.
    2. Definition of half time: Students with an academic load of 3 to 5 credits per semester will be considered half time students.
    3. Definition of less than half time: Students with an academic load of less than 3 credits per semester will be considered less than half time or part-time students.


Completion of Program Requirements

Course Requirement
Students must complete all courses within the established time frame.  The Program requires a total of 62 credits.

Performance Requirement
A student must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.00 for every semester. A student failing to meet this standard of performance will be referred to the Students Promotion Committee.

Comprehensive Examination Requirement

The program requires approval of a Comprehensive Examination covering core areas of the field.

Professional Behavior Requirement

The students should conduct themselves in accordance with the norms for professional behavior set forth by Ponce Health Sciences University, the corresponding accreditation agencies and the Clinical Practice Manual of the School Psychology Program.


Grade Requirement

In order to graduate, the student should complete all requirements and maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.00. Satisfactory Academic Progress is required for financial aid eligibility and will be reviewed on a yearly basis.

  • Students should perform at a minimum level of achievement of 80% (B) in all courses.
  • Students who obtain a grade of C but maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00 must repeat the course and pass it. Up to two courses may be repeated.
  • Students with a GPA below 3.00 will be referred to the Students Promotions Committee.
  • A grade of “F” in any course will result in referral to the Students Promotion Committee and considered for dismissal based on overall academic performance.
  • Grades of “A/P” (Approved) or “N/AP”(Not Approved) are applicable to Practice. A grade of  “N/AP” requires repetition.  In case of a second “N/AP” grade in the same practicum, the student will be referred to the Students Promotion Committee with a recommendation for dismissal. 
  • An “I” (Incomplete) grade will only be allowed under very special circumstances as determined by the professor. The student must remove the “I” (Incomplete) by the following semester or an administrative “F” will replace it.


Appeal Process for Academic Affairs

Students who are notified by the Program’s Dean of a decision by the Students Promotion Committee that he/she must repeat failed courses during the next academic year or be dismissed from the program, have the right to appeal the decision within seven working days after receiving the notification.

The appeal or due process presented below must be followed.

The student will appeal in writing to the Students Promotion Committee (SPC) and include all relevant documentation to support the request.  The Committee will evaluate the reasons and evidence submitted to determine if they change their initial decision.  The SPC has 48 hours to submit its decision to the Program’s Dean, who will notify the decision to the student.

If the SPC sustains the adverse decision, the student has the right to appeal to the Dean of the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (SBBS). The appeal must be submitted in writing within seven working days after receiving the notification.  The Dean of SBBS will evaluate the appeal and the student’s academic record. The Dean can appoint a three-member Ad-Hoc Committee to re-evaluate all evidence. Rejection of the appeal by the Dean is final.

If an Ad-Hoc Committee is appointed, they will notify the student in writing of the date and the time when the appeal will be evaluated. The Ad-Hoc Committee has forty-eight (48) hours to submit a recommendation to the Dean of SBBS. The Dean will consider the Ad-Hoc Committee recommendation and make the final decision within forty-eight (48) hours.

Any decision will be reported to the student in writing. The decision made by the SBBS Dean is final.

The same process described above will be followed in the case that the adverse decision made by the Committee is for non-academic reasons, such as unacceptable professional behavior. The Program Dean or the VP for Student Affairs will refer the case to the SPC. If the recommendation of the SPC is to dismiss the student, the appeal process described above may be activated.

In the event that an adverse decision is made due to non-academic reasons and the Dean of SBBS sustains the decision after the appeal process, the student may appeal to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs and then to the President.


Financial Aid Eligibility

Financial Aid eligibility is contingent upon satisfactory academic progress.  Please refer to the institutional policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress published by the Office of Financial Aid.



The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs shall have primary responsibility for overseeing this policy and will provide all health sciences students a copy of this document upon admission to Ponce Health Sciences University.

The President, Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Student Affairs, as well as the Program Dean, Registrar and Financial Aid Director will receive all pertinent data to ensure proper enforcement of the policy here set forth.

For more details of PHSU tuition and fees please refer to: This Section

Ponce Health Sciences University is pleased that you have selected our institution to continue with your academic and professional goals. The Office of Student Financial Aid provides you with the information and tools to assist you in reaching educational goals. Please take your time to navigate through the various links we have provided and feel free to contact the Financial Aid Office if you need more information:

Financial Aid Application Process Links

Important Links (External):

  • Financial Aid Education Portal (Inceptia): PSHU access code: bw4g33 to setup your account. We recommend taking one of the following courses: COLLEGE AND MONEY or PSYCHOLOGY OF MONEY. PSHU will receive a report of those students accessing this site. This information will help students to be smart borrowers.
  • Get your FSA ID ( – this is your electronic signature for federal documents.
  • Fill-out your Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) Online (
  • View Your Loans History (if applicable to determine available funds) (
  • Manage your Federal Student Loans (Entrance & Exit Counseling, Master’s Promissory Note, etc.) (

Important Links for PHSU application forms and manual

PHSU Financial Aid Application – click to download the form:

Federal Financial Aid Programs

  • Direct Unsubsidized Loan: students who meet the requirements established by the US Department of Education may receive a Direct Loan, according to the academic program: graduate and professional students are eligible to receive up to $20,500 per academic year. As an institution that previously participated in the HEAL Programs, our MD, Doctorate, and PhD in Clinical Psychology, as well as certain Master Degree Programs might be eligible for an additional amount of loan. The amount is established annually by Federal Regulations. The Financial Aid Office provides orientation about the application process for student loans, the student’s qualifying requirements, and the specifics regarding interest rate, orientation fees, repayment process, etc. The student must submit an agreement form known as a Master Promissory Note and complete electronic entrance counseling, both online:
  • Direct Loan-Plus Graduate Loan: This is a federal fixed-interest loan for graduate and professional students, beyond the DL Unsubsidized award, to cover any additional cost of attendance. The interest rate and origination fee, which is annually fixed by the Federal Government, begins to accrue from the date of the first disbursement. The loan qualifying process requires a credit check verification, online entrance counseling, and an online submission of a Master Promissory Note:
  • Private Loans (Alternative Loans): These are credit-based loans that may be used to supplement other types of financial aid programs. The loan amounts vary according to the amount requested and approved for the student. The interest rate is variable, accrued while in school, and usually based on the current “Prime Rate” plus a lender’s predetermined interest rate. Repayment may be up to 20 years. These Private Alternative Loans provide funds to complete the remaining need after the student is awarded other financial aid. Due to the high interest rate that these loans represent, the student should consider these loans as a last resort to their financial need. PHSU does not recommend any specific lender; the evaluation and selection is a student’s individualized decision.
  • Historical Private Lender List: PHSU does not deny or otherwise impede the student’s choice of an alternative lender or cause unnecessary delay in loan certification of these loans. The following is a list of the three private loans that have been most commonly selected by our students during the last two previous academic years; however, we reiterate that the student may select any other lender they believe will meet their financial need.

Other Financial Aid Options: Military Scholarship Programs: Students interested in a military career may consider applying for one of the scholarship programs for healthcare professions offered by the US Army, the US Air Force, Navy, or the National Guard. The students must contact the desired program:

National Health Services Corps Scholarship Program: available for students in the primary health care specialties and committed to serving part or their entire career in a federally designated health professional shortage area. Learn more about this program at:

Financial Aid Application Process

Direct Loan Application Process Students interested in applying for a Direct Loan must comply with the federal requirements and the following:

  1. Have financial need.
  2. Be a US Citizen or an Eligible Non-Citizen.
  3. Have a valid social security number.
  4. Enroll in an eligible program as a regular student working toward a degree.
  5. Meet satisfactory academic progress standards.
  6. Register (or have registered) with the Selective Service if you are a male between the ages of 18 and 25.
  7. Certify that you are not in default on a federal student loan and that you do not owe money on a Federal student grant.
  8. Student cannot exceed the aggregate loan limit established by the Department of Education.
  9. Comply with the Entrance Interview/Counseling.
  10. Provide all the documents and information required by Financial Aid.

Students must fill the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the corresponding academic year, in order to be evaluated to determine eligibility for federal and state funds. It must be submitted online at no later than the last working day of April. The PHSU school code is G24824. Students need a pin number, which can be obtained at

Once the student submits the FAFSA, the Department of Education will send an Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) to the school, which will be used for evaluation and analysis.

Students with a FAFSA application selected for verification by the Department of Education will be required to submit the following documents:

  • Complete a Verification Worksheet (provided by the Financial Aid Office)
  • Copy of the Tax Return (IRS or PR tax return form)
  • W-2 form(s) (if applicable)
  • Evidence of wages, salaries, tips, etc., reported on the FAFSA
  • Other relevant documents as needed

If the student (or student’s parent/spouse) is not required to file an income tax return, he/she will be required to complete and sign a Certification of Income, provided by the Financial Aid Office, among other documentation. Note: No loan will be processed until the verification process is completed.

As part of the evaluation, the Financial Aid Office will consider the Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The EFC is the amount that the student should contribute towards his/her cost of education, and it is determined by the Federal Government. The need analysis consists of the following basic calculation:
Cost of Attendance minus EFC equals Financial Need. As part of the analysis, any other expected financial aid (external funds such as Vocational Rehabilitation, Veteran Administration, military scholarships, and any other grant or scholarship) will also be considered. Note: A student cannot receive financial assistance in excess of the determined Financial Need.

Awarding and Notification
The next step is the awarding of financial aid amounts by PHSU and preparing the award notification for the student. Once the awarding process is completed, a Notification of Award is sent to each student.

Return Policy and Requirement for Withdrawal and Return of Federal Financial Aid (see PHSU catalog refund policy section)

Suspension of Eligibility for Drug-Related Offenses
If convicted of any offense involving the possession of a controlled substance, a student’s eligibility for Title IV Financial Student Aid Programs will be denied for:

  • One year after the first conviction
  • Two years after the second conviction
  • Indefinitely after the third conviction

Eligibility may be restored if the student partakes in an approved Federal Government Rehabilitation Program.

Please refer to the Student Financial Aid Manual for specific information regarding all the dynamics of financial aid as it applies to new and continuing students.

Financial Aid Contact Information

Financial Aid Personnel:

  • Mrs. Myrian Gaud Maitín, MBA – Financial Aid Manager:
  • Mrs. Nicole Vázquez Colon, MSS – Financial Aid Officer:
  • Ms. Mariannette Cruz Rentas, BS – Administrative Assistant:

Office Hours
Monday to Thursday: 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM, 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Friday: Administrative Work (By appointment only)

Financial Aid Office Contact Information
Phone Number: (787) 840-2575 ext. 2134, 2135, or 2136
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7004, Ponce, Puerto Rico 00731
Physical Address: 388 Zona Ind. Reparada 2, Ponce PR 00716-2347

Links & Manuals

How to Apply

Applicants must submit the following documents:

  • Official transcript from all undergraduate and graduate universities attended
  • Letter of Recommendation Format – Written by individuals familiar with the applicant’s professional work and skills
  • Certificate of No Penal Record (Criminal Background check)
  • USD $90.00 Application Processing Fee (check or money order payable to Ponce Health Sciences University)
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Essay

Deadline to submit a complete application – June 30, 2024
Procedure to Apply
Readmission Application

MSSP Faculty

Report Your Situation​

Let us know how you feel, if you have travel or been exposed with people with symptoms.