Master in Public Health

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The mission of the public health program at Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU) is to provide the highest quality education, research & population based services. This will be accomplished through an innovative, dynamic, responsive public health curriculum while preparing to be ethical competent professional public health practitioners and researchers so as to be able to excel in promoting and protecting health in the community and in a globalized societ


Vision The PHSU Public Health Program commits and aspires to be a leader in preparing public health professionals, by excellence in academia and by building and expanding public health knowledge and competency, in order to improve the health of communities and populations locally and across the world.


The MPH Program is established in response to the needs of our society. It provides a multidisciplinary program through education, research and community service to develop the skills of a public health professional necessary for the protection of health and prevention of disease of the individuals and communities. Students will be well prepared to improve the challenges of our health care such as improving the access of people suffering contagious diseases and work to reduce environmental hazards such as violence, drug use and abuse, accidents, etc.

PHSU will consider candidates for the MPH Program from different walks of life such as school teachers, news reporters, researchers, lawyers, physicians, health professionals and others. The Public Health Professionals will be able to work for the government, for private institutions and/or for local or international companies which provide services to the community. These professionals face the challenge of protecting the public health of the present population and of future generations.

To accomplish this, PHSU has developed a 55-credits curriculum that will expose students to the basic concepts in public health, research and community services. Three tracks are offered: Epidemiology, Environmental Health and General, with the MPH first year being common to all tracks.

Public Health Program: Core Values of The Public Health Program.

The following core values enlighten the institutional environment and guide us in the fulfillment of our mission and goals:

  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Representation
  • Service
  • Evidence-based public health
  • Population perspective
  • Community empowerment
  • Balance in competing priorities


We value honest, ethical, and transparent practices and determine to have integrity in everything that we do.


We value the protection of the individual and collective rights, and promote the respect for social and cultural differences that distinguish human beings, as fundamental aspects of those rights and respect them as essential to achieving “Health for all”.


We value represented perspectives and the unique contributions that result from underrepresented groups, and promote caring, support, confidence, compassion, camaraderie and a “can do” attitude.


We highly value the use of our health expertise and academic abilities, capabilities and resources in service to our students and the whole community.

Evidence Based

We value evidence as a sound basis for the development, implementation, and evaluation of effective programs and policies in public health. This evidence base is accomplished through the application of the principles of scientific reasoning, including systematic use of data and information systems, behavioral science theory and program planning models to build effective public health programs and policies.

Population Perspective

We value integrating a population perspective into all our research, service and teaching; the collective or “public good” is takes priority over the individual good.

Community Empowerment

We value community empowerment, which enables communities to increase control over their lives in their understanding of health and ability to protect their health and seek appropriate care.


In Public Health there are many competing “goods”. We value the careful assessment of these competing goods and strive to balance the alternatives to derive the most good for the most people.

Goal 1: Provide research experiences based in public health ethical standards that address the personal and social determinants of health with the purpose of developing and building healthy communities.

  1. The program faculty will lead environmental, behavioral, prevention or population-based research projects funded by grants.
  2. The products of research conducted in the PHP will be disseminated widely in professionals’ journals, professional conferences and/or workshops.
  3. The faculty projects will provide research opportunities for students.

Goal 2: To create an academic environment in which students are supported as they attain the knowledge, skills and competencies of the public health profession.

  1. The PHP will maintain high admissions standards for students recruited to study MPH and DrPH.
  2. The PHP will maintain a high quality of instruction in all didactic courses taught by the faculty.
  3. The PHP will provide a variety of instructional modalities consistent with the approaches in public health.
  4. The education received by the students in the PHP will be essentially relevant to opportunities for either continue their education in health-related fields or gain employment in their selected field of interest.
  5. The PHP will provide leadership skills for students in order to implement and sustain change in community’s health.
  6. The PHP will provide appropriate instructional technology support.

Goal 3: Encourage and promote public health education within the framework of ethical, social, justice, and professional standards.

  1. The PHP will broaden student’s awareness of their responsibility to participate in the community.
  2. The PHP will prepare public health professionals with the capacity to work with communites in need and develop an fair environment to reduce health disparities.

Goal 4: Engage with communities, government and private sectors to reduce social inequities through health promotion and diseases prevention programs.

  1. The PHP will engage in service to communities, public and private agencies that support public health research, teaching and practice.
  2. The PHP will engage in community service and education initiatives for advancing public health knowledge.

Goal 5: To propose and defend a balance budget to provide support to PHP instruction.

  1. Objective: The PHP will recruit and retain a critical mass of qualified faculty and investigators.


Is the science that studies how to protect and improve the health in communities through education and by promoting healthy life styles. It is in charge of developing public policies, educational programs and services as to avoid those public threats.


The study of the relationships between the various factors that determine the frequency and distribution of diseases in human (and other animal population), the risks to contract them, the human susceptibility and how to prevent new incidences.


Relates to the air we breathe, water we drink and other complex environmental factors. These risks may cause sicknesses such as asthma, cancer, food poisoning, etc. It studies the impact the environment has on our health.

Ponce Health Sciences University encourages its applicants to seek the broadest education available prior to their training in Public Health.

In evaluating the applicants, emphasis is placed upon integrity, character, academic achievements, motivation, emotional stability, GRE, EXADEP or MCAT scores, evidence of health care-related experience, interview reports, letters of recommendation and other information provided by the applicant. The applicant must:

  1. Bachelor’s degree of a college level institution accredited by the PR Council of Higher Education or by a US Department of Education recognized accrediting organization.
Course TitleCredits
General Sciences6
Social Sciences6
Behavioral Sciences3
College Mathematics3
  1. GPA – 2.75 is requested for applying, however our classes average is 3.2 (on a four-point scale)
  2. Submit the following documents:

    1. Official transcript from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended.
    2. Official GRE, EXADEP or MCAT scores (if the candidate does not hold a health professional degree).
    3. Three letters of recommendation
      1. Two of the letters of recommendation should provide input from people in responsible position who can comment on your academic, employment or volunteer performance, character and interest. For undergraduate this often means professors, academic advisors or employer.
      2. The third letter must be of someone who is able to assess your advocacy experience. Letters from people that really know you, rather than from people who have impressive titles, are the most valuable. All of them should be written using the format accompanying the application form.
    4. Certificate of No Penal Record (Criminal Background Check)
    5. Application fee – $90.00 non-refundable


The Admissions’ Committee selects the best candidates. The Committee looks for accepting students of integrity and maturity that show concern for others, leadership potential, character. In evaluating the applicants, emphasis is placed upon the following:

  1. Potential to work with individuals, analytical skills and understanding of ethical standards of the profession.
  2. Past experience in research projects or potential for the development of research skills.
  3. Academic achievement (GRE, EXADEP, MCAT scores)
  4. Motivation and emotional stability
  5. Letters of recommendation (see previous description)
  6. Interview

Upon acceptance, all students are required to submit the following:

  1. Written confirmation of acceptance and a deposit of $100.00 to secure your seat in the entering class.
  2. Physical Exam (using a form provided by the Admissions Office)
  3. Evidence of up to date immunization record (must include Varicella, Td Adult, MMR and three doses of Hepatitis B).

Other documents will be notified as pertinent

Deadline to submit a complete application is May 30.

The Application for Admission to the Master in Public Health Program can be downloaded or obtained personally at our Admissions’ Office

The Master of Public Health is an evening program that lasts two academic years of three trimesters per year and one summer trimester. To receive the degree of Master of Public Health (MPH), every student must fulfill the following requirements:
  1. Satisfactorily complete the assigned curriculum requirements for the degree, with a GPA of 3.00 on a four-point grading scale:
Enviromental Health Epidemiology General
Requirements Credits Credits Credits
Required 48 46 48
Electives 5 7 5
Applied Practice Experience 2 2 2
Integrative Learning Experience 0 0 0
Fieldwork Experience 0 0 0
Total 55 55 55
  1. Demonstrate a behavior acceptable to academic faculty and supervisors.
  2. Satisfactorily meet all financial and library obligations.
  3. Attend in person the rehearsal and commencement program at which time the degree is awarded.
Grading System All courses and grades obtained will appear on the student’s academic record, including elective courses taken at other institutions. All departments establish evaluation criteria for the successful completion of courses taught by the department. These criteria are made available to the students at the beginning of the course. It indicates the number of examinations, quizzes, laboratory exercises, grading procedures and practical tests with their weight. The grading system for graduate students is as follows:
Letter Grade
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
F Below 70
E Extended
I Incomplete
IP In Progress
P Pass
NP Not Pass
W Withdrawal
AW Administrative Withdrawal

For more details of PHSU tuition and fees please refer to: Cost of Attendance

PHSU welcomes you and thanks you for choosing us to pursue your academic and professional goals. The Office of Student Financial Aid provides you with information and tools to assist in reaching those goals. Please take your time navigating the links below, and contact the Financial Aid Office at for more information.

Financial Aid Application Process Links

Important External Links:

  • Financial Aid Education Portal (Inceptia)
    Use PSHU access code bw4g33 to set up your account. We recommend taking courses such as College and Money or Psychology of Money. PHSU will receive a report of students accessing this site, which will help them become informed borrowers.
  • Get Your FSA ID – This is your electronic signature for federal documents.
  • Fill out Your FAFSA Online – Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine your eligibility for federal financial aid.
  • View Your Loan History – Review your loans (if applicable) to determine available funds.
  • Manage Your Federal Student Loans – Includes Entrance/Exit Counseling, Master Promissory Note, and more.

PHSU Forms and Manuals:

Federal Financial Aid Programs

  • Direct Unsubsidized Loan: Graduate and professional students may receive up to $20,500 per academic year. Some programs may be eligible for additional loan amounts.
  • Direct PLUS Loan: Fixed-interest loans for graduate/professional students to cover additional costs. Requires a credit check, online counseling, and a Master Promissory Note.
  • Private Loans (Alternative Loans): Credit-based loans that supplement other financial aid. PHSU does not endorse specific lenders, and the decision is up to the student.
  • Historical Private Lender List: Common lenders include:

Other Financial Aid Options

  • Military Scholarship Programs: Students interested in a military career may apply for healthcare scholarships from the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, or National Guard.
  • National Health Services Corps Scholarship Program: For students in primary health care fields who commit to working in designated health professional shortage areas. Learn more at

Direct Loan Application Process

To apply for a Direct Loan, students must:

  1. Have financial need.
  2. Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.
  3. Have a valid Social Security number.
  4. Enroll in an eligible program.
  5. Meet satisfactory academic progress.
  6. Register with the Selective Service (if required).
  7. Certify that they are not in default on any federal loan.
  8. Comply with entrance counseling requirements.

Students must submit the FAFSA ( by the last working day of April. PHSU’s school code is G24824.

Verification Process

If selected for verification, students must submit:

  • A Verification Worksheet.
  • Tax returns or W-2 forms.
  • Other documentation as required.

Need Analysis

The Financial Aid Office will determine eligibility by evaluating your Cost of Attendance minus your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). A student cannot receive more financial aid than their calculated financial need.

Awarding and Notification

Once eligibility is determined, students will receive a Notification of Award.

Drug-Related Offense Eligibility:

If convicted of possession of a controlled substance, a student’s eligibility for federal aid will be denied for:

  • 1 year after the first conviction.
  • 2 years after the second conviction.
  • Indefinitely after the third conviction.

Eligibility may be restored by completing a federal rehabilitation program.

Please refer to the Student Financial Aid Manual for more detailed information.

Financial Aid Contact Information

Financial Aid Personnel:

  • Mrs. Myrian Gaud Maitín, (Financial Aid Manager)
  • Mrs. Nicole Vázquez Colón, (Financial Aid Officer)
  • Ms. Mariannette Cruz Rentas, (Administrative Assistant)

Office Hours:

  • Monday to Thursday: 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM & 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
  • Friday: Administrative Work (By appointment only)

Contact Information:

  • Phone: (787) 840-2575 ext. 2134, 2135, or 2136
  • Email:
  • Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7004, Ponce, Puerto Rico 00731
  • Physical Address: 388 Zona Ind. Reparada 2, Ponce, PR 00716-2347

Applicants must submit the following documents:

  • Official transcript from all undergraduate and graduate universities attended
  • Letter of Recommendation Format – Written by individuals familiar with the applicant’s professional work and skills
  • Certificate of No Penal Record (Criminal Background check)
  • USD $90.00 Application Processing Fee (check or money order payable to Ponce Health Sciences University)
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Essay

Deadline to submit a complete application – May 30-Extended Date June 30

Procedure to Apply

Readmission Application

Report Your Situation​

Let us know how you feel, if you have travel or been exposed with people with symptoms.