Capacitan a 100 maestros en temas relacionados a la salud de la mujer
Investigadoras de PRI realizaron un taller educativo para unos 100 maestros del Departamento de Educación de Puerto Rico, cubriendo temas como el ciclo menstrual, condiciones ginecológicas, salud mental vinculada al ciclo, prevención del VPH y abuso de sustancias.
Escucharán a los adultos mayores que necesiten conversar en Navidad
Ante la nostalgia y soledad que sienten muchos de ellos durante la época. En el marco de la temporada navideña, Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU), en colaboración con Plaza Las Américas y Plaza Del Caribe, del 12 al 15 de diciembre, proveerá espacios para que los adultos mayores que se sientan solos durante esta época […]
USA Today Article: ‘A lot of panic attacks’: Mental health top concern in Maria-ravaged Puerto Rico
Rick Jervis, USA Today Original story from: JAYUYA, Puerto Rico — People who visit a local community center here for bottled water or hot coffee often break down crying or shaking uncontrollably. Margie Vazquez, a community organizer who lost her home to Hurricane Maria seven weeks ago, often cries at home before heading to the center […]
PHSU Medical Students/Faculty Have Been Sole Providers of Aid to Rural Towns in Southern Puerto Rico
Students and faculty from Ponce Health Sciences University in Ponce, Puerto Rico have been a crucial lifeline for residents in southern and central Puerto Rico. Ponce, Puerto Rico (PRUnderground) October 30th, 2017 Students and faculty from Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU) in Ponce, Puerto Rico have been the sole providers of aid for residents in […]
PHSU Launches Website with School News for Students/Families Affected by Hurricane Maria
Ponce Health Sciences University has launched a website with news for its faculty/students and their families in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Ponce, Puerto Rico (PRUnderground) September 22nd, 2017 It happens that a student brings to the teacher a beautiful, in-depth, perfectly revealing the topic of the essay, and the teacher wraps up the work […]