Estudiantes y facultad llevan servicios médicos a comunidades del sur de Puerto Rico a través de unidad móvil de Ponce Health Sciences University
ESTUDIANTES Y FACULTAD LLEVAN SERVICIOS MÉDICOS A COMUNIDADES DEL SUR DE PR A TRAVÉS DE UNIDAD MOVIL DE PONCE HEALTH SCIENCES UNIVERSITY Ponce Research Institute adscrito a Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU) se encuentra visitando comunidades en los pueblos del sur, ofreciendo servicios médicos, psicológicos, de salud pública y enfermería a pacientes de forma gratuita. […]
Entre el shock y la normalización: el drama emocional de los refugiados del terremoto
Miedo, estrés y ansiedad, y shock. Estos son los padecimientos emocionales que están más patentes entre los sobre 2,000 refugiados que hay en el sur de Puerto Rico a raíz de los sismos que se viven a diario. Desde el 7 de enero del 2020 en Puerto Rico se vive diferente. El terremoto de magnitud 6.4 […]
Get to Know our Ponce-RCMI Team! – Dr. Richard Noel
Dr. Richard Noel is a PHSU investigator from our Ponce Research Institute as part of the Ponce-RCMI Project. He has a partnership role as a PI. Currently responsible for the investigator’s development and the coordination of three major projects: The Research Core, Community Core and the investigators development core. . His contributions are supporting the […]
Get to know our RCMI Team! – Doris Andujar
Doris Andujar All Scientific projects are conducted by a team’s effort. If your interest relies on regulations and compliances and science, you should get to know Ms. Doris Andujar, MPH. She is the Program Executive Manager responsible for providing administration support to the Principal Investigators (Dr. José Torres and Dr. Richard Noel) in all activities […]
Hurricane Maria Experiences in Villalba
Apeaderos, Villalba On November 3, 2017, the public health intervention teams headed back to Villalba, PR. Since our first visit, the community expressed the need of psychological and clinical help. This time the Wellness and psychological teams joined us in this journey. After we arrived at the Emergency Management Center at Villalba the teams split […]