Aid Programs
This institution is committed to providing assistance to its employees and students in an environment that is free of alcohol, drugs, tobacco and violence. We have a primary prevention institutional program provided by the PHSU Wellness Center’s Office of Professional Counseling which aims to educate and inform concerning alcohol, tobacco, drugs, violence and sexual harassment. Additionally, you can seek confidential help, guidance and counseling within the Office of Professional Counseling. The center also provides additional program that supports our students population.
Counseling Contact:
Dr. Jose Soto
787-840-2575 ext. 2252
ADA Reasonable Accommodations
PHSU acts in accordance with “Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990” wich includes changes made by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, wich became effective on January 1, 2009.
PHSU is committed to provide reasonable accommodation for a student academically qualified that has a disability. ADA defines “qualified individual” as an individual who or without reasonable accommodation, can perform the essential functions of the position that such individual holds or desires. All applicants acceped to PHSU must be able to meet the technical standars described in the PHSU Admissions Policy on Technical Standars.
PHSU Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Standard
Safety Officer